We went for a walk in the park today and saw our neighbour Tony and his dog Jay. Blotch and Jay have been doggy friends for years! Sniffing and mooching around the estate! He's getting old now, poor old Jay :(
I know it's only supposed to be one photo a day but today was very special! It was my sisters white coat ceremony to mark the occasion of starting clinical medicine. We are so proud of you Laura!!
I have never really been able to save my money... I was thinking today that I could save a euro a day aswell as taking a picture a day! It's such a little amount of money and would mean nothing to me at all! At the end of the year I could get something nice :)
This poor little dog followed my dad home and sat on our doorstep for a few hours. She was heavily pregnant and was shaking and really sheepish. Looked as though somebody abandoned her because she was pregnant... Dad rang the pound and apparently a few people had reported that they saw a stray dog in the area.. someone from the pound had been out earlier looking for her but couldn't seem to find her. We kept her until someone from the pound came. She wont stay in the pound tonight....she will go to a foster family and they will find homes for the puppies!
I took Abi to the library with me today, she's not walking yet so she had a ball cruising around the bookshelves, stopping to take a little nibble of a corner of a book, or poking her head through shouting "hiya hiya hiya"
Today we were going to go and see the movie Avatar in 3D. It was totally sold out and there were no later showings... :( Boo hoo!
We ended up in burger king..I'm not sure how.. lol. Emma and Laura wanted to go to Mcdonalds too.. hence the mix of burger king and Mcdonald wrappers! We went to see Sherlock Holmes in the end. Oh dear lord what a boring movie. Laura actually fell asleep for a half hour in the middle of it! I really didn't like it, not my cup of tea at all! Mum and Dad enjoyed it though so i guess it couldn't have been that bad.
This is a picture of me in my "onesy" Pjs with feet are all the rage in Ireland at the moment...they are soooo comfy and keep you warm and toasty! It was super hard to take a picture of myself which included the whole onsey... The feet arent in this picture but it was the best I could do! :)
This is my 16 year old brother Jack acting the eejit! I can't beleive he actually agreed to allow me to take his photo and put it on this blog! Haha good man Jack :-)
We had no power here all day. I went down to mums acupuncture clinic for a couple of hours. They had power there! Anyway while I was there I decided Mum was going to be my photo for today! So here she is sitting in one of her rooms!
This little pumpkin has been living in our living room light since halloween! I wonder do people notice it when they walk in? We don't notice it anymore....I wonder will it still be there in another 6 months?
The weather is still horrible here..alot more snow due tommrrow! The airport closed this morning for a couple of hours! It's not really the snow thats the problem it's the ice and we are running out of salt/grit! I wonder what it will be like in days to come!